A San Francisco Perfumer’s Campaign to Decolonize Scent | The Slowdown - Culture, Nature, Future
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The Slowdown
Perfumer Yosh Han
Courtesy Yosh Han

San Francisco–based perfumer Yosh Han is sense-driven. In addition to her own perfume line, Yosh, she is a sommelier, has served as a tasting judge in chocolate competitions, and even runs a thriving aura-reading practice. Throughout her nearly three decades in the fragrance industry, Han has traveled the world, deepening her knowledge of scented materials and their sources.

Han is also the founder of Scent Festival, a digital platform she launched at the start of the pandemic to bring scent education, and a sense of community, into people’s homes. The project’s programming began as an online extension of the conversations around fragrances and ideas she had been hosting for her fellow perfumers in California, but the social, economic, and cultural effects of Covid-19, along with mass calls for social-justice reform, prompted Han to reorient Scent Festival to focus on perfume’s relationship to the political and cultural issues of the moment. A major part of that effort is the Decolonize Scent initiative, a multi-pronged campaign that offers resources on the history and connections between scent and xenophobia, and how to get involved in enacting change.

Here, Han describes some of the ways in which she has encountered Eurocentric narratives in the perfume industry. She also talks about how she’s working to highlight underrepresented scent-makers, educate the public about colonial histories of perfume, and put pressure on the fragrance industry to change the racist language traditionally used to describe certain scents.

“I started my perfume career in the nineties working at a perfumery, and being told that all the best fragrances come from France. In the early 2000s, when I started my business, the programming was, ‘You have to go to Grasse.’ At the time, a lot of the perfume schools in France only taught in French. I took French in high school, but not enough to change my life and move to France and take classes in perfumery. So I learned from people who learned in France.

As my career moved forward, I got distribution in Europe. I went there, and it was such a different game. In America, we had perfumes that were considered successes, but in Europe, American perfumes and brands were always seen as second-rate. It goes without saying there was no mention of Asian perfumes, and no awareness of things coming from Africa, except for Arab oils. These were always seen as secondary, as ‘ethnic.’ There was this constant narrative that you weren’t good enough unless you’re French.

I was always thinking, What am I, chopped liver? Plus, I had a lot of friends back home who were like me. In California, I was hosting perfume breakfasts for other independent perfumers, and we were doing things in our own way. I was always creating an atmosphere and safe space for other people like me, where we could build community.

When Covid happened, as an outgrowth of this work I’d been doing for a long time, I decided to create Scent Festival—and have these conversations over Instagram Live, and do programming on Zoom. That first year, in 2020, we had more than sixty digital events.

When the Movement for Black Lives started that summer, there was this article in a magazine that basically said there are only two Black perfumers in the whole industry. And I was pissed. I was pissed! I can’t believe that article went to print. I’ve never been so livid. It was unacceptable.

So I made it my mission to elevate Black perfumers. Scent Festival shifted to focus on finding and sharing the microphone with them. In 2021, where there was a rise in Asian hate, I shifted my focus to Asian perfumers. Many of them are working for big French houses, but we still don’t know their names in the ways we know the French perfume names.

Then I started wondering, Why are we still using the word oriental to describe a certain family of fragrances? In the beginning, people in prominent leadership positions at these huge institutions were writing to me, saying, ‘No one’s gonna change that word. Why don’t you pipe down?’ At the same time, many American perfumers and bloggers said to me, ‘I’m an ally. What do you want me to do? You want me to change it on my website? Done.’

In my own work around decolonizing my understanding of scent, I’ve turned to other perfumers who are doing more activist work. I’m also learning about how to be an activist. I had to decolonize my own mind. Perfumer and olfactive writer Dana El Masri was instrumental in helping me understand this. There’s a great book called The Smell of Risk, which connects odor to structural inequality. The Institute for Art and Olfaction has an ongoing program series called Scent and Society, launched in 2018, that focuses on unlearning the Eurocentric narrative of perfumery by presenting research and practices from around the world. Perfumer and researcher Nuri McBride is the one who put it in my mind that the idea of modern European perfumery is actually a form of cultural appropriation from the Middle East.

All of this learning and unlearning made me start a petition saying we should reclassify the words oriental and floriential as other terms, such as amber, for that fragrance family. Through meeting these incredible people, through learning from them, I began to see how scent cultures are not monolithic, but beautifully specific.”

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Neil Chapman. (Courtesy Neil Chapman)

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The Perfume Companion book

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Perfumer Mackenzie Reilly

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A stick of incense balanced with four pieces of stone

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Olfactive expert Dawn Goldworm

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“The Sense of Smell in the Middle Ages: A Source of Certainty” book cover

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A bottle of Loewe perfume on a straw chair

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A man wearing glasses and a striped shirt

If you’ve ever been overwhelmed by the aroma of freshly ground coffee upon walking into a café, or the particular bouqueDr. Michael Bull, one of the leading air quality and odor experts in the United Kingdom, has dedicated more than three decades of his ca What led you to choose a career in assessing odors and their relationship to architecture?

Stacked wood and glass orbs with a leaf growing out of the top

“Scent and architecture both take people on sensory journeys,” says architect Héctor Esrawe. “More and more, I believe iXinú (pronounced “she-new”), a perfumery he co-founded in 2016 with architect Ignacio Cadena and his wife, Verónica Peña. Thnose in Otomi, an indigenous Mexican language, and has since developed five unisex scents with Mexican perfumer Rodrigo Flor

A bottle of The Nue. Co.’s Functional Fragrance perfume.

Among the many olfactory ways to de-stress—sniffing a bundle of lavender, lighting a scented candle, taking a breath of Functional Fragrance with notes that soothe the mind, such as green cardamom, cilantro, and violet. Ninety-six percent of users the company

Five bottles of perfume on an ombre table

Years ago, while flipping through an old family photo album, photographer Maya Njie homed in on an invisible aspect of tsmells,” she says. She began experimenting with raw ingredients to make fragrances that capture a given image’s scene: The celfragrance line in 2016. These days, Njie mixes and bottles her gender-neutral scents by hand in her London studio. She’s also eager toevents page soon).

A woman and a man smelling bottles of fragrances.

For Shizuko Yoshikuni and Manuel Kuschnig, the Japanese-Austrian couple behind the Berlin-based olfactory design studio Aoiro, scent is essential to the success of any environment, adding an important experiential quality that goes beyond sight felt, not simply smelled.

Yellow air freshener on car dashboard

Driving requires keeping your eyes on the road, navigating a primarily visual adventure—but the right accessory can makeAiround car diffuser from Italy’s storied furniture maker Poltrona Frau and the Milan-based fragrance brand Acqua di Parma. Encased in Poltr

Four bottles of perfume next to a large quill feather.

“Smell can transport you out of wherever you are,” says Cathleen Cardinali, who left her job in the luxury fashion indusThin Wild Mercury with her partner, musician Anthony Polcino, in 2017. Place-based storytelling lies at the heart of its four scents, whi

A bottle of Byredo Mixed Emotions perfume on a white background.

Tumultuous times often lead to creative new measures. For Ben Gorham, founder of the luxury brand Byredo, the drama of 2Mixed Emotions, a new unisex fragrance made to evoke the bewilderment of a roller-coaster year. A spritz of it starts out with the str

A man's silhouette sniffs perfume near a bright window.

If you’ve ever wondered about the mysterious process of perfume-making, you’ll delight in watching Nose: The Most Secret Job in the World, now streaming on Apple TV, following last year’s premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival. In the hour-long documentary, nez, or nose—perfume industry parlance for an expert perfumer-creator with a finely attuned sense of smell—and his sensoria

A bottle of Hermés's H24 in futuristic lighting.

In the 15 years since the French high fashion house Hermès released its Terre d’Hermès men’s fragrance, the scent has coH24 perfume, marked by a lively yet delicate bouquet, based on Nichanian’s ready-to-wear collections. But how, exactly, doe

A man's hands assemble a wooden bucket on a wooden floor.

In a year so necessarily and intensely domestic, it’s especially easy to appreciate the beauty and singularity of somethki-oke, wooden buckets traditionally used in Japanese onsen that have found alternative uses throughout the world, such as stoLes Atelier Courbet.) A seventh-generation master woodworker and artist, the elder Nakagawa, Kiyotsugu, and his son, Shuji, have collaborat

Dr. Pamela Dalton against a blurry background.

The mysteries surrounding our olfactory systems have been the focus of Philadelphia’s Monell Chemical Senses Center since it opened, in 1968, more than 20 years before the discovery of the odorant receptors that we use to perceive scencreating and administering smell tests as soon as olfactory impairment emerged as a primary symptom for the novel coronavirus. We recently asked Dr. Dalton ho

An orange and blue candle on a wood surface.

The name Bernard may conjure different connotations for different folks—say, Senator Sanders, your favorite breed of mouBernard is the name of his fragrance brand, which recently debuted with a collection of hand-poured candles. “This is a scent mMeli, the Greek word for honey, is warm and sweet, with base notes of orris root and leather; Eira takes inspiration from Sc

Moso natural pouches inside a pair of sneakers.

Sweaty running clothes. The litter box. That odd funk emanating from the back of the fridge. Unpleasant scents can transMoso Natural, a line of odor-eliminating linen bags filled with an unexpected ingredient: bamboo. The California-based brand is name

Catherine Haley Epstein stands with her hand on her hip in front of several drawings.

Catherine Haley Epstein, author of Nose Dive: A Book For The Curious Seeking Potential Through Their Noses, is an artist and curator who specializes in scent and the ways our brains register it. Last year, with olfactory histoOdorbet, an ever-growing online database of terms they collect from various sources to describe smells. It also includes invent Why should we describe smells in nuanced, specific ways?

A diffuser from Fueguia 1833’s new collection of home fragrances.

“I don’t consider myself a perfumer,” says Julian Bedel, a former musician who taught himself how to make wearable scentFueguia 1833 in 2010. “I don’t know anything about perfume. My work is more of an artistic creation, and how I create the formulas i

Dr. Kate McLean smiles and holds her dog in a garden.

Dr. Kate McLean, who spearheads the graphic design program at Canterbury Christ Church University in the United Kingdom,“smellscapes”: colorful diagrams made of dots and wavy, concentric rings that detail where an odor occurs in a specific place, and ho

Author and professor Hsuan L. Hsu on a yellow background.

Covering everything from a detective story by Edgar Allan Poe to the role that scent plays in racism, the new book The Smell of Risk: Olfactory Aesthetics and Atmospheric Disparities (NYU Press) investigates how, over the past 200 years, writers, artists, and activists have used smell in their work to

Eleven bottles of perfume with a box and card on a white background.

In the last decade, the rise of modest, product-focused scent brands has debunked the notion that the fragrance industryFanny Bal, who based her creation on the aromatic sap from the lentisc tree that grows on the Greek island of Chios, and senior sDomitille Michalon-Bertier, who designed her fragrance around the Inhotim Museum, an outdoor art center located in a Brazilian forest. Perfumer Delphine Lebeau recently learned about the Japanese pastry mochi, and used a trio of musks to embody the treat’s soft, mellow profile. The resulting 11 fragrances were unveiled at a viavailable for purchase in the U.S. on the website Luckyscent—providing a nose around what makes these master craftspeople tick.

Colorful candles and boxes on a red and orange backdrop.

Scent has the power to transport us instantly to another time or place. Consequently, the evocatively perfumed objects fHomesick enable wistful souls to travel to a cherished holiday, family tradition, or any state in the continental U.S., as well New York City, pumpkin picking, and more abstract experiences, such as a ski trip or a book club), then translates their feedback into an authentic, recognizable fragrance. More than a momentary escape, the scents suRoad Trip candle by day, and Beach Cottage by night.

Author Cat Warren and one of her dogs, Rev, crouching in an autumn forest.

Anyone who’s ever owned a dog (or been owned by one) knows that scent is paramount to how canines experience the world. Cat Warren, a science journalism professor at North Carolina State University, this observation became something of an obsession. What the Dog Knows: Scent, Science, and the Amazing Ways Dogs Perceive the World, followed by an edition that translates her research for younger readers, newly out in paperback—that detail the remarkable, often life-saving power of a hound’s snout. “We humans are highly German Shepherd police dog, Trakr, who located the last 9/11 survivor in the rubble of the World Trade Center, or the pooches that find drowning victims more than 200 feet under the sea. “Dogs can help make the invisible visible,” Warren says. “We need to watch them closely, know they can help translate

A book cover with plants inside a vial.

Your nose knows best. So says Harold McGee, a leading expert on the science of food and cooking, and author of the new bNose Dive: A Field Guide To The World’s Smells. Developed over the course of a decade, the blockbuster attempts to unpack the science of scent by looking in great dep

A big, orange pumpkin on a green lawn.

According to Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, the neurologist and psychiatrist who founded Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment and Rehe told the medical journal Alternative & Complementary Therapies. “More than a hundred years ago Freud said that, in order for society to remain civilized, it was necessary to repress oIn a study conducted by Hirsch’s foundation, 40 percent of participants—who were each connected to a plethysmograph, a device that measures blood flow caused by se

The Scratch and Sniff Book of Weed on a white background.

Six decades ago, researchers at 3M and the NCR Corporation were looking for a more effective way of trapping ink inside functioned with scented oils that, when scratched, burst open, emitting their distinctive smells. The technique has since been used on stickers, stamps, and perfume-peddling magazine inserts. John Waters incorporated it into his 1981 film Polyester, when he distributed large cards that featured ten circular patches, laced with scents such as skunk and old shoes, forwine and whiskey, helps readers understand flavor through the scents of its aromatic pages, while co-authors Seth Matlins and Eve EpsteiThe Scratch and Sniff Book of Weed. Other titles employ the strategy in more subtle ways. Scent in Context, a deep dive into the work of Belgian olfactory artist Peter De Cupere, disperses hidden scratch-and-sniff odors among a journal from the California publisher Knock Knock that pairs scented stickers with writing prompts—a clever way to stimulate users’ emotions, creativity, and memory.